Pam's Gang'

These are some recent photos of the kitties. On Thursday (June 27th 2002), Dorene Schultz flew down from New Jersey to get them. Gus and I saw them off from the airport here in Columbia, on Friday when they flew with Dorene back to New Jersey to their new home with her and her CH kitty, Scooter, who is in a wheeled cart. Dorene is a nurse with experience with newborns with disabilities and with nursing the elderly, and she also has worked for vets. She does some trap-neuter-release, too - she adopts out her healthy adoptable kittens, and only keeps the really needy ones like Scooter and our two. She wanted a companion for Scooter who would stay near him, since he can move very little.

The picture titled "Lucky Blue" (bottom photo) is the third kitten in the litter - the last one born. He appears to be purrfectly formed, with all four legs where they should be, and he's bigger than the other two. We're going to try to find him a home this week. If you'd like to contact me about him, please email me at

Meet Mysti and Tigger
Tigger and Mysti in Bed (what sweethearts)

Mysti and Tigger
Tiggeroo and Mysti too! (we're as cute as a button)

Mysti (look Ma, no hands!)

Mysti and Tigger
Mysti, playing with feather while Tigger sleeps
(cuteness at it's best)

Unconditional love for each other
Mysti snuggles up to Tigger while he sleeps
(this is unconditional love, pure as it gets)

Mysti and Tigger
Mysti & Tigger (just being our cute little selves)

We just can't help it, we're too cute!
Mysti and Tigger (adorable babies again)

Lucky, still looking for a home
Lucky, our brother
(looking for love, he needs a home)
lucky is "normal", he has all of his legs
and they are fully developed.

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