Pam's Gang'

There will never be another like Midipet - always in my lap or round my neck, purring, so sweet, loving & pretty. I miss her a lot, and even though I have many other cats I wish she could have been with me longer - she was about 12 when she went to the 'Rainbow Bridge'.

Midori (lost Oct.30, 2001 to mesenteric lymphoma)

Midipet sitting up in peacock chair
(sitting up in peacock chair,
when she was still paralyzed)

Midipet (Midori)
Princess Midipet
(the pic that won her "Prettiest Pet" title in paper)

Midori's beautiful baby blues
Midori (look at those beautiful baby blues)

Midi and Bonnie
Midi & Bonnie
(Midipet shows a leg (the "bad" one) - Bonnie Bonbons)

Midi, Kimi and Cinnamon
Midi, Kimi and Cinnamon
(Midipet in sheepskin bed with Kimi - tabby
and Cinnamon - dilute torti)

Midi and Mitzi
Midi and Mitzi
(Midi with her with her paw around Mitzi,
her adopted baby)

Midipet helps with Christmas
Midi (Midipet helps with Christmas)

Midori (my sweet, beautiful Midipet)

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