Pam's Gang'

Some of these cats have initially tested positive for FeLV, a few have not. Please email me for additional information if any of these gorgeous kitties catch your eye!! Be sure to click on the links below the photo for additional pictures of more kitties. Here is their story:

The lady caretaker I'm helping began feeding the original black female, Jasmine, a year or two ago. She has three indoor cats (one of whom is a declawed she rescued from outside), and the black kitty wasn't tame so she just fed her. Pretty soon, of course, it had kittens and she at first thought it was all cute - they lived in the woods and came to visit her screened porch daily for food.

Then the kittens had kittens . . .

UPDATE 10/2005

I helped her place two calico kittens, but when the adopter had them tested, they came up leuk positive. The Sunday before last we tested another five cats, and four of them - the mother of the first two plus their two siblings and another kitty (the female one of the spotted tabby twins who looks like an Ocicat) from a different litter were all positive. Only Buttercup was negative.

The feeder/caretaker can't bring them all in, so at the moment all we can do is fix and hope they will be OK. We've just fixed Buttercup and Daffodil (pos. mom) and they both recovered well. She considering separating out any positives for keeping and retesting, but the expense is formidable and the work in caging to separate is difficult, too. Ideally, we are hoping for homes, and we thought perhaps someone out there with a positive might see one they fall in love with, as they are all very, very pretty and there are some rather unusual ones. Lily's coloring (calico) and the twins' spots are gorgeous. There are two tuxedos, three or four calico's and the rest are tabbies - either ticked or spotted, some with white paws and tummies. One is fluffy like a Maine Coon - looks very much like the one in Florida that you thought was so cute and just posted about.

I know this is all very confusing and we hope to get them all tested and altered as quickly as we can. I will post more as I figure it all out, but if any of these guys interests you or someone you know, please feel free to email me for further information, we'd like to get these guys into homes before the weather gets nasty. Thank you for looking and getting the word out!!

Caretakers Cats

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