Remembering Ms. Slippers
"There Are Angels Among Us. One Of Them May Be The Little Cat At Your Door.
Take It In. Feed It. Love It. And You Will Know The Purpose Of God."

Author (Chere H., Ms Slippers Mom), please let me know it you use it >^..^<

    (click photo for Ms Slippers & Mom)
Beautiful Ms.Slippers

  Ms. Slippers adopted us on a beautiful evening at twilight in July of the year 2000. We immediately fell in love with her. She was emaciated and starving. We took her to a local vet to be spayed and learned that she had Feline Leukemia. We were told she was in remission and we should do nothing until the symptoms began to show.

  In June, 2001, she displayed symptoms of a cold so we took her to the vet. Her blood levels appeared good. We began treatment with Interferon to build her immune system and antibiotics to treat the cold symptoms. A week and a half later, Ms. Slippers refused to eat and wanted to sleep all of the time. We returned to the vet and were told her red blood cell count was down to 9%. The vet said Slippers now had bone marrow cancer and Feline Anemia. The vet gave her a transfusion and began chemotherapy (vincristene). By the following week, Ms. Slippers red blood cell count was down to 5%. We were told a second transfusion may actually be harmful.

  Ms. Slippers went over the bridge at twilight, July 12, 2001. She did not go without a fight. Ms. Slippers would like for everyone to know that treatment for Feline Leukemia should begin when it is first diagnosed, even if your kitty is in remission. Interferon, Vitamin C and healthy pet foods should be used immediately. If anemia appears, multiple transfusions have worked for other cats. Some have found success by using Epogen to build red blood cells and by using homeopathic treatments.

  This page has links that Ms. Slippers Meowmy and Kitty-Cat Daddy did not find until it was too late for her. She would like for all kitty-cat parents to know where to search when they are trying to help their beautiful furbabies. Please write us, if you know of any good links, or just to say "Hello"!

Ms. Slippers says  "Early treatment and prevention prolong life with quality."

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