Award Winners ![]() Meet the kitties that run this webhome. Photos', stories, interesting links and webrings galore! Why not join the 'Lovely Cats' ring?! And if your looking for an award, well there's only 15 to choose from. Be sure and pay a visit! A Cats Eye View Meet Brandi (Mom) and Twyxx (kitty) and the rest of his brothers and sisters, this page has alot of interesting things to see and do not to mention the design is beautiful. Brandi's a great hostess stop in and pay a visit, you won't be sorry you did! Catarific This site started out as a tribute to Christofur, who recently passed away due to complicatons from diabeties. And is now also a celebration of all cats. Jen's Kat Korral Jen's Home is full of love and adoration for her kitties and Mike (her fiancee'). She's got contests, awards to win and some of the cutest kitty pictures! My Cats Homepage Stop in and see Rev. Diane and her house full of kitties, great pictures, good reading and some inspirational thoughts! Tango and Xander Eric has done a GREAT job on this page, it's easy to navigate, and he has some of the best pictures I've seen on the web (not to mention Tango and Xander are adorable), take the time to visit. WaJuBe's Piece of the Internet... Come see Wanda, Judah and Benjamin in their little home on the internet, meet all their friends on the web, a really fun place to visit! Sharif's Sundown This page is dedicated to the memory of Sharif, he owned Lynnda and Mike for many, many, happy years. Meet the rest of the family, there's lots to enjoy here, don't miss it! Much Ado About Cats Meet Andee and her kitties Tassie and Boxy, a couple of characters. Andee's done a great job on her page (with the help of Tassie and Boxy of course)! If your looking for webrings to surf, you've come to the right place! Puss'N Purrz Drop in and visit Emmy, she's dedicated her page to Loecky (now 7), and written in Loving Memory of Wally, Poecky and Loecky the first. Happiness is... Come meet Vera and her kitties Freeway and Walmart, read the touching stories about how they got their names. Vera has a way with words so be sure not to miss this site, it makes for some excellent reading! Delilla's Home Here you'll meet Sassy, Stinky, Boxer, CoCo, Shadow, Lucky Bat, Sylvia, Donaven, and last but not least Scooter, whew that was a mouthful! Jeannie has rescued most of these kitties, be sure to visit and read their stories. Check out some recipes, links and other goodies! (Nice picture's too). About Me Here you'll find info on kitties and *dogs*! Two languages to pick from. Ms. Crane's love of Cats! Come meet the Crane kitties, she's fairly new to webpage building and doing a GREAT job! Be sure to check back and see how things are going. The BratCats Maxine and the BratCats can't wait for you to drop by so they can show you around! They've got lots of picture's, info and many important causes to check out. Be sure to take a peek at their Bannerama page, you say what's that, well stop by and have a look! LuvvCat's! Kozy Kitty Korner Come meet the kitties at the Kozy Kitty Korner, there are 3 of them, Snoopy, Friend, Little Kitty and we can't forget their *dog* Lady. You'll find plenty to read and explore here!! Have a great visit - we did! Katt's Cat Corner Kristen, Muffin, Mitten's and Bubba can't wait for you to stop by and say "hello", they've got alot of goodies they'd love to share with you! Paws To Purr Hi, I'm Beth human slave to my 8 cats...Sassy, Cricket, Molly, Max, Razzmatazz, Pepper, Cookie, and Simon! We'd love to have you stop by and visit us, we love company! Sparky's Page! Come meet Sparky, a very wise internet surfing kitty! He's a shelter cat who's come to appreciate the good life, he's got a way with words, come read his great story! Top Of The "Hill" Cat's Coca-Cola, Fresca, Sprite, Fanta and Fruitopia, got your interest peaked?! These are the Hill may have guessed they're crazy about Coke stuff, come meet the kitties and check out all their Coke Related goodies!! Feline Territory Come meet Chris and travel thru the Feline Territory, check out the humor page, free stuff to download and lots of other goodies...a nice place to spend some time! Tigger's Cat Tales Tigger's got a great page here, there's photo's of course, clubs to join, awards to win, Tigger's Cat Tales postcards to send and the "Featured Club Members page! Come meet Tigger and the family! Hope's Moms Page Shelly Hope's (aka Babycat) Mom has just started working on making this'd never know it, she's doing a wonderful job. She's got some neat ways to present photo's, you've really got to check it out, I'm not kidding it's really COOL! Drop in and say "Hello", (if you want to see a spoiled kitty this is the place). Have fun I did! TexasPepper's Homepage TexasPepper's Page has a lot to see, from recipes, to midi's and many pages for cat lovers....better plan on spending some time here to get the full affect. Apply for Abby's award while your there and be sure to sign the guestbook! Welcome To Lilith's Room Lilith say's come visit and meet her human Calliope....she loves sitting in sunbeams and helping M*M knit. She's a cool cat with an opinion about everything that she's more than happy to share. Come meet Lilith and let her tell you her idea's about life... The Shalako Dobermans Here you'll find alittle of everything, kitties, d*ggies, even feathered friends...This wonderful family has welcomed strays into their home that would otherwise have no where to go...Hooray for them, this is what life is all about! Come meet some really neat people and the animals lucky enough to own them! ![]() Award Winners ![]() Pop in and say Hello, Brandi and her gang are waiting to give you a tour! Jen's Kat Korral Come check out the Kitty of the Month Contest and see some adorable kitty pictures! My Cats Homepage Come visit Rev. Diane and her house full of kitties! Here you'll meet some wonderful kitties and their Mom and see some beautiful pictures. Bring a hankie there are some touching tributes also. Tango and Xander DON"T miss this one it's a GREAT page! Tango and Xander are the sweetest kitties and Eric takes some excellent photo's. Wa JuBe's Piece of the Internet... Come visit Wanda and the two kitties that own her, Judah and Benjamin in their little home on the web. Lots of fun reading here and great pictures, drop in and say hello! Sharif's Sundown Don't miss this one, come hear the music Mike composed for this wonderful site. Much Ado About Cats Come meet Andee and kitties, check out their award and webrings galore! Happiness is... Vera and the kitties are waiting to meet you, they offer poetry, recipes, photo's of the kitties and outstanding reading, drop in and pay a visit! Three Good Cats This is the home of Kelly, Lizzie and Caitie Belle. Come see some excellent photo's and a cat comic with stories scripted by their humans. A fun place to spend the day! Ms. Crane's love of Cats! Visit the Crane family, meet the kitties and check out some interesting links, with more to come. The BratCats The BratCats are just scratching to show you around, stop by and have a look there's alot to see here so plan on spending some time! LuvvCat's! Kozy Kitty Korner Stop in and make yourself at home the kitties love company. Lots of fun reading here! While your there, why not check out their "Tuxedo Cat" Webring (the webring graphic is beautiful)? Tell'em the Be-Mi-Kitties sent ya! CutieCat's Homepage Here you'll find alot of different things to check-out, there's cat quotes, humor, cat facts and an animal welfare page! Stop in and tell CutieCat hello! Assistance Dog & Animal Information Come meet Amy and her good buddie Denver, he's Amy's Service Dog, he's been trained to do many things Amy cannot easily do for herself. There's obviously a special bond here...there are links to pages with info on the training of Service Animals, and a particulate favorite of mine...the photo's and graphics are great! Starwolfe's Home Come meet Hero and *Mom*, this site is very nicely done. Here you'll find awards to win webrings to explore and links to other catsites....make sure you enter the "Funny or Cute" cat contest while your there, enjoy we did! The World Of Jedstar Jedstar is waiting to take you on a tour of his newly remodeled home, meet his new little sister...Amber. There's cyber pets, links to other great sites, swap banners and check out the unicorn collection....lots to see here! Don't forget to say "Hi" to Jedstar's M*M and D*D! Dorissimo's Domain Enter Dorissimo's domain and shop the many malls, there's 'Ye Olde X-Mas Shoppe', Bitey's Boutigue to name a few....come see Sammy and Lisaviolet tie the knot, there are also several graphic sites to visit and get free graphics from. Coming soon a Graphic Designers Webring (for people just exploring the world of making graphics)! Lots of goodies to see and experience here!! ![]() A+ For This Page Award Winners ![]() This is the home of Robin and a zoo full of ferret's, ferret's and more ferret's, and that's not all...there's *doggies and kitties* and even some birds, opps can't forget the bunny! When Robin say's zoo she means zoo, come meet her and her critters in Pooh's Zoo. Fun reading and *cute* picture's! A Cats Eye View Brandi's got a great page, there are alot of animal welfare issues that Brandi's bringing to the attention of the general public. She's working very hard on an unbelievable cruelty case happening in Texas right at this moment, please stop by and voice your concern in this matter! We must all fight to keep our pets safe and put the CRIMINALS that hurt them behind bars!!! Jeff and Diane's Cat House Jeff and Diane are two of the most caring devoted cat people your ever going to meet. There site has a wealth of information on cat and kitten care and an astonishing collection of veterinary care info! Jeff and Diane have devoted their lives to caring for and loving their fur babies. There are many touching and personal tributes to furries they've lost, make sure you visit this site and bring a hankie!! Vicki's Cat Page This site is created in honor of Kilo, the oldest and ruler of this roost! There's also Minnie and Fluffy, come meet them at Vicki's. Sparky's Page! Sparky's celebrating his first year anniversary on the web! Come meet the family he owns and read about how he won his way into their hearts! Kitty Lea's Cat Page Come meet the beautiful Kitty Lea and her family. This site has lots of pictures (always a favorite of mine), poems, quotes and truly beautiful backgrounds. A very nicely done page! Mike & Barbara's Home Page Barbara and Mike live in a 500 hundred year old cottage in England. You've got to see the pictures of their absolutely beautiful garden, and be sure to meet all of their kitties! This page is dedicated in memory of their very special kitty Rufus, whom they lost in January...stop in and visit their lovely home! Bella's Birds' Home Pages Bella's the proud *MOM* of Vasya, Tweety, Malin her three budgies and Baby Blue her macaw. Here you'll find info on Bird care, some pictures (more to come) and links and webrings to other Bird sites. It's a fun place to visit, fly on in and perch awhile! Lucille's Place Lucille was adopted by her Mom and Dad from the Kendall County Animal Control Center in November of didn't take her long to work her way into *Mom's and Dad's* heart, and boy does she know how to get what she wants!! She's a talkative little girl and would love for you to drop in for a visit...stop in and say "Hello". Aussie Cat Page Rustinail...interesting name don't ya think? Come meet him and his human Rhonda, there's lots to see and do here, including pictures (always a favorite of mine), awards to apply for and even a midi section!! Drop-in and pay Rustinail and Rhonda a visit (and while your there vote for them in the Heartland August finalist site winner) Happy Birthday Rustinail!!. KidSafe This site is kid safe just like the name says, they have a variety of things to see and do here...there's poetry, arts, crafts, music alittle about their pets and pet friends...they also feature a site of the month that you can apply for! It's a fun place for kids (and adults) to spend time. DominO This is DominO the white boxers home on the web...there are some excellent Native American graphics on this page and a link to some others. Great picture's of DominO, always a favorite with us, stop in and say "Hello"! Four Friendly Felines Meet Alex, Pash, Fred and Baby the gang at 4 Friendly Felines...there's alot to see here... They've got lots of fun stories, awards to win and check out all the clubs they belong to, have a great time visiting we did! MikesMaddie's Multitudes of Musings Come meet MikesMaddie, What a MikesMaddie you say, well come and find out. You'll find alittle bit of this and alittle bit of that, but best of all you'l have a nice time finding it! Boots & Lori's Catworld Don't keep Boot's waiting, she's anxious to show you the family that she owns and has wrapped around her little paws, there's alot to do here, so plan to spend some time! |
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