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FeLV/FIV/FIP Awareness Ring
Happiness Webring Page

These are the only rings of mine that are still active.
This ring is for people who are Happily owned by their kitties, therefore your page must be of a cat-related theme (real kitties preferably, but any good kitty page will be considered.

Originally I was going to exclude Breeders and Catteries but that would be like saying they don't love their kitties and I know this isn't true. This ring is for anyone who is Happily owned by their kitties. I don't think breeding should stop altogether but I do think they should set stricter limits among themselves as to how many people perpetuate the same breed and all should be involved in rescue in some way, whether its by spaying and neutering the kittens or in some other capacity. Until all of us can say there are NO healthy animals being killed every year, simply because there are no homes for them, this is something I STRONGLY believe. And I will check to see that you are a responsible pet owner. So having voiced my opinion anyone who loves kitties (and is Happily owned by them) is welcome to join the ring....that is after all the point of this ring!

Your page must contain NO Nudity or Violence or Abuse of Animals or Children and NO Adult links or Profanity other words it must be family oriented.

If you are an AOL subscriber, please be sure to go to MEMBERS - PREFERENCE - WWW and select "uncompressed graphic", this is VERY IMPORTANT. That way when you upload the graphics they will be viewable by all, not just AOL subscribers, I will not enter sites that have no visible graphics! If you do not do this your graphics will look fine to you, but NON - AOL subscribers will not see them.

You must save the graphic to your own server and copy and paste the ring code to your page, it doesn't have to be on the main page but * must be the page you list here, (the ONLY exceptions will be framed pages with a clear and visible link to your webring page)!

Once you've applied you'll be sent the code to put on your page. If you have any problems just email Belinda and I'll be glad to help you.

After the ring is on your page let me know by email and I will get back to you within a week.

Make sure you include the address of the page the ring is on (remember the page you put the ring on is the page everyone will come to when surfing the ring), so you might want to put it on your main page or make sure you have a link from the ring page to your home page (you'd be surprised how many people don't do this and no one can visit their page)!

The ring should look like the one below when your finished, your code will not work until I've added you to the ring.

Fill out the form below to submit your site, you will be sent an email of confirmation the HTML FRAGMENT and instructions. Make sure you save your site ID and remember your password, you will need these to edit your site information in the future.


Pet lovers! Please think about purchasing pet insurance for your cats and dogs! No one want to have to make a choice between their own needs and pet health care. Affordable veterinary pet insurance is available. We want you to enjoy your beloved pet for a long time ...

Submit a site to Happiness is being owned by cats ... Net Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Year of Birth:
(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
Site Description:

This is what the webring will look like, of course feel free to customize
the colors of the text and links to suit yourself.

Happiness Ring HomepageThis Happiness
is being owned by cats ...

RingSurf Net Ring - owned by Be-Mi-Kitties ...
Happiness Ring Homepage

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To edit your site information:
Member Login
Site ID:

Good-Luck and Thanks to all you Happily Owned people for making this webring a success!
* I have been doing maintenence on the Ring and have written several members who's code is not on the page the ring goes to. In the future any links not going to the page submitted will be removed without notice. I have stated very clearly the rules. The integrity of the ring is broken if people get to a page and can't continue to surf the ring. Thanks for your cooperation.

Absolutely NO DIRECT LINKING - I have been having trouble with this recently, several people have direct linked the graphics from my website. This is illegal and not allowed, if you need help with any part of the ring just ask, I will be happy to help.

Purrs and Droolies
Belinda (ringmistress)

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